MacHack 1994
MacHack 1994.toast
MacHack™ 1987-1994
MacHack™ '87
Utilities ƒ
Text Editors ƒ
FastEddie2Ltd ƒ
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Text File
153 lines
Cottage Software
PO Box 200308
Austin, Texas 78720-308
(512) 339 7536
FastEddie2 © Daniel Grossbard 1986
FastEddie2.6 is a Programmable Editing Environment with:
• programmable key commands and menus for whatever facility you build
• automatic glossary to create your own dynamic shorthand machine
• global, wildcard, next and previous, case sensitive and insensitive,
wraparound, selectable searches
• auto save for error protection
• display of balanced braces, brackets & parens for logic visibility
• "impossible" character search to locate invisible problems
• file compare to locate differences between files
• keyboard cursor movement and selection for mouseless editing
• eleven copy/paste buffers for versatile cut and paste
• switchable word wrap for versatile text display
• switchable auto indent for ease of formatted text entry
• save option settings to further customize FastEddie2
• switchable insert/overwrite for flexible correction facility
• staged input for fast insertion
• extensive window handling with optional synchronized scrolling
• automatic Megamax C error display
• block shifts ("Move over") for quick reformatting
• dozens of special key commands for short cuts; and more
<cmd> depress the command (aka "clover leaf") key
<Shift> depress the Shift key
<Option> depress the Option key
<CapsLock> depress the CapsLock key
<click> click the mouse button
<DoubleClick> double click the mouse button
<cmd>F over FstEd.doc1 & FstEd.doc2 will locate the following catagories:
glossary Balance impossibles compare files
copy paste save oPtions window handling file insertion
find, change display errors Move over cHange case
Enter Open Line number... undo
shortcuts move cursor
FastEddie2 disk contains 11 non system files:
• FastEddie2, the "purchaseware" version
• FastEddie2Ltd, the public domain version of FastEddie2
give it away; post it; share in receipts due to it!
(also give and post FastEd2.doc1 and FastEd2.doc2)
• FastUser.c the programmable source file for key command and
menu extentions to FastEddie2
• FastUser.h the header file for FastUser.c
• FstE.lib the library to be linked with FastUser.o
• TabsOut, to replace tabs in TEXT files
• FastEd2.doc1 (this file) and FastEd2.doc2 to explain the programs
• FastGloss to help you use the Glossary features
• errors.out and debug.c to demonstrate the automatic error display
To purchase the FastEddie2 disk and the FastEddie2 user's manual,
see About FastEddie2 or send $48 (add $5 for overseas delivery)
with your name, address, and phone number to:
Cottage Software
PO Box 200308
Austin, Texas 78720-308
Besides receiving the newest version of FastEddie2 you will also
be entitled to upgrades at cost; a share (1/3) of all sales from
copies of your FastEddie2Ltd; and a reward for sharing extensions
Here are a few hints about some of FastEddie2's special features:
• customize menu keystroke assignments with ResEdit
• build routines for new menu items and key commands in FastUser.c
• see owner's manual, FastUser.c, and FastUser.h for details
• all Toolbox and FastEddie2 and C routines are available
• "glossary is automatic" (options menu) will scan your input
(as it is created) for strings which match a glossary code in
FastGloss... if such a code is found it will be immediately
replaced by its corresponding replacement string. The
glossary facility requires a file called FastGloss which
includes glossary codes and replacement strings. (See
FastGloss or the FastEd.doc2 for more).
• "Balance {}[]()" (search menu) will select the next
balanced pair of {} or [] or ()
• "impossibles" locates the first character following the cursor,
that could not possibly have been keyed into the file, selects
it and displays its hex value
• "compare files" (search menu) will select the first non blank
difference in the top two files starting from their cursor positions
• "copy paste 0", "copy paste 1", and "copy paste 9" can be
chosen from the edit menu.
• "copy paste 0" through "copy paste 9" can be invoked with
<cmd>0 through <cmd>9 from the keyboard.
• if text is selected it is put in the corresponding buffer
(0 through 9), and replaces whatever was there
• if nothing is selected the contents of the corresponding
buffer (0 through 9) is pasted into your text at the
insertion point
• when you choose "save oPtions" (options menu) the current
option settings (except insert and scroll sync), and the
current font, size and line spacing become FastEddie2's default
• window handling:
• The number of windows opened is limited only by available memory.
• choosing a file from the windows menu will activate that window.
•<cmd><option>w will activate next window
•<cmd><option<Shift>>W will activate previous window
• "Neat windows" (display menu) will relocate all your windows neatly
with the most recently active on top, the next second, and so on.
• "scroll sync is on" (options menu) will cause the top two windows
to scroll in unison.
• a double click in an active title bar or grow box will
reposition windows:
• with <cmd> the top two windows are repositioned
to the top and bottom halves of the screen
• with <Option> the top two windows are repositioned
to the left and right halves of the screen
• with both <command> and <Option> the top
window is displayed in its home position
• with neither <cmd> nor <Option> the top window
is repositioned to the full screen, or returned to its
previous position (if it has been moved by one of
the above commands)
(continued in FastEd2.doc2)